Night time grinding (bruxing) is a common problem for people which affects close to 10% of the Australian population. It happens while you are asleep and can occur out of multiple factors like:
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Narrow airway
- Small jaws
- Stress
If any individual grinds their teeth while sleeping at night, it is necessary to get in touch with a dental professional in Blacktown for undergoing thorough examination and treatment. He can use his skill and expertise to identify the reasons behind bruxism and then offer the best possible solution for a particular case.
Before we discuss the techniques implemented for treating this problem of night grinding, let us briefly look into the symptoms of teeth grinding:
- Acute pain in the teeth.
- Headache
- Ear Pain
- Face getting stiff.
- Prominent teeth marks visible on the edges of one’s tongue.
Usually, most of the individuals suffering from bruxism are not aware of the fact that they clench their teeth as it happens while they are asleep.
Though this could happen irregularly for some people, acute night grinders can damage their teeth along with other dental restorations.
Treatment Techniques
Now that we have mentioned the symptoms of this problem, it is time to talk about the possible techniques of treatment:
- A dentist would provide his patient with a custom nightguard to ease out the issues of teeth grinding.
- Nightguards which resemble like mouthguards are transparent devices which can prevent the damage of one’s teeth that occurs out of bruxism as they do not allow any contact between the upper and lower teeth.
- Patients can be provided with hot packs and occlusal splints as well, for getting rid of their teeth grinding problem.